A REALTOR® is an individual licensed to list and sell real estate and is also a member of a local board of REALTORS®, the state association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®—unlike real estate agents who are simply licensed by their state to do business. As a member of these three professional trade associations, a REALTOR® agrees to adhere to a strict Code of Ethics, the canons of professional behavior that guide daily activities in the real estate business.
The REALTOR® Privilege
A REALTOR® is the recognized professional in real estate. The distinctive REALTOR® "R" is your guarantee that you are dealing with the elite of the profession, a member of an association of REALTORS® and a professional who deserves your trust.
On Oahu, to earn the title of REALTOR®, a person must be licensed to list and sell real estate and be a member of the Honolulu Board of REALTORS® (members automatically gain membership in the Hawaii Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®). The term "REALTOR®" is a federally registered trademark to identify and distinguish members from all other persons, licensed or unlicensed, engaged in the real estate business and is associated with a high degree of professionalism, training, integrity and expertise in the real estate industry.
A REALTOR® pledges fidelity to clients, but also pledges to treat honestly all parties to a real estate transaction. A REALTOR® is knowledgeable about various aspects of the real estate profession and maintains current information regarding market conditions. REALTORS® have an affirmative obligation to serve property owners and prospective buyers to the best of their ability.
The REALTOR® Pledge and Code of Ethics
The HBR Members pledge: to strive to be honorable and to abide by the Golden Rule; to strive to serve well my community, and through it, my country; to abide by the REALTORS® Code of Ethics and to strive to conform my conduct to its aspirational ideals; to act honestly in all real estate dealings; to protect the individual right of real estate ownership and to widen the opportunity to enjoy it; to seek better to represent my clients by building my knowledge and competence.